Okay, so here's BNI #22 "No Dice," poignant social commentary, right?
Okay, so what about the previous issues? Here they are, if you're interested:
- #21: Dust & Echoes
- #20: TMNWTF
- #19: The MegaCon Gambit
- #18: Cry More
- #17: Big Daddy Christmas
- #16: Dial T for Trolling
- #15: Curb Stomp Your Enthusiasm
- #14: USA F Yeah
- #13: (Some Annoying Rhyme)
- #12: Take Your Vitamins
- #11: The House That Rogue Built
- #10: Mega-Khaaaaan!
- #09: Arms Shortage
- #08: Fate of Two Worlds
- #07: Beyond The Sea
- #06: The Game
- #05: Cool Toy Story, Bro
- #04: Like a Bossk
- #03: The Most Anticipated Comic of 2010
- #02: I was in the Club, and I was in the Club
- #01: Horse With No Name