"It's time for the 21st edition of the Q & A! You know what that means...."
- Monkeywrench, Ages 25 & Up Quizmaster
Question #1 - Monkeywrench asks:
Are you excited for the next Joe movie?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #2 - Monkeywrench asks:
PoC Low Light… Will he be in the comic?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #3 - G.I.Eddie asks:
You have used Marvel in your comics. Will DC ever show up since they have a 3 ¾ line?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #4 - G.I.Eddie asks:
Have you been taking advantage of all the great stuff showing up at Big Lots lately?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #5 - G.I.Eddie asks:
Have you ever considered recreating any of your favorite comics panel for panel with figures? That would be AWESOME!
1337W422102 answers:

Question #6 - thatjimboguy asks:
Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #7 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How old were you when you first: a. heard of G.I.JOE?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #7 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How old were you when you first: b. bought/received a Joe?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #7 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How old were you when you first: c. read a Joe Comic?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #7 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How old were you when you first: d. realized G.I.JOE will be better then any other toy ever?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #7 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How old were you when you first: e. lost your virginity?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #8 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How do you feel about the return of Stephen Sommers to the helm?
1337W422102 answers:

Question #9 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How do you feel about Chris Pine as the Cap’n?
1337W422102 answers:

Hey, you know me. I just HAD to have a silent 21st issue! If you want text answers to the questions, just keep reading.
Question #1 - Monkeywrench asks:
Are you excited for the next Joe movie?
1337W422102 answers:
"Next" would imply that there already is a Joe movie.
Question #2 - Monkeywrench asks:
PoC Low Light… Will he be in the comic?
1337W422102 answers:
Sure, when I get him! (In before, "That Sniper's a Spy!")
Question #3 - G.I.Eddie asks:
You have used Marvel in your comics. Will DC ever show up since they have a 3 ¾ line?
1337W422102 answers:
DC character show up occasionally, such as the Batman in comic #5, Batgirl being central to the "Cards, Knives, & Videotape" story, and Catwoman in "Hot Wheels." And let's not forget the Christmas party. I mainly use the Microman figures since the American DC figures are pure garbage.
Question #4 - G.I.Eddie asks:
Have you been taking advantage of all the great stuff showing up at Big Lots lately?
1337W422102 answers:
I'm in Canada, so I'm not even sure what a Big Lots is.
Question #5 - G.I.Eddie asks:
Have you ever considered recreating any of your favorite comics panel for panel with figures? That would be AWESOME!
1337W422102 answers:
I tried to make the second panel of comic #63 look like the cover of Marvel Comics' first G.I. Joe issue (the one I'm reading earlier on this page). Whether it worked or not is debatable.
Comic #105 "The Coming" was pretty much a shot-for-shot remake of the first 2 pages of the one single issue of a comic book that I read the most often as a kid: Bionicle #1, and I gave its title to A25U #105, as well.
Question #6 - thatjimboguy asks:
Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads?
1337W422102 answers:
Red. All the way. Better dead than without a red.
Question #7 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How old were you when you first:
- a. heard of G.I.JOE?
- b. bought/received a Joe?
- c. read a Joe Comic?
- d. realized G.I.JOE will be better then any other toy ever?
- e. lost your virginity?
1337W422102 answers:
- a. I must've been about 1 or even younger. My older brother and cousin grew up with that and made sure I did, too. Not that I remember much from back then.
- b. I was around 4 or 5 when my aunt gave me Crazylegs. I still have him, in good condition, too. I had a Roadblock, but since for some reason, they had the infinite wisdom to build the most significant structural element of the figure out of a malleable, easily breakable material that degrades over time, so the figure broke in half (take off your nostalgia goggles - O-rings are a design flaw). I later got my cousin's entire collection, and it only grew from there.
- c. had some Special Missions as a kid, but I only really got into the comic series in college when I started reading all of the Marvel run in order. It wasn't long before I was buying figures and making A25U.
- d. It isn't.
- e. I collect toys and comics and my username is "1337W422102." You tell me.
Question #8 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How do you feel about the return of Stephen Sommers to the helm?
1337W422102 answers:
This is why we can't have nice things.
Question #9 - Night Viper 143 asks:
How do you feel about Chris Pine as the Cap’n?
1337W422102 answers:
I would have a substantial amount of difficulty caring less. If you've read the "A Real American Teamup" story, you can probably already tell how I feel about the character. No problem with him as Captain Kirk, mind you.
That's all for this month!

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