This is it! The 10th Q&A session we've had! I really wanted to have these answers up in October (the month they were asked), but since I was planning something very special to mark the event, it had to wait. Longer than I'd have liked. Sorry about that.
If you're wondering, the special thing I did was make a comic version of the Q&A as an exchange between HissTank.com member Monkeywrench (represented by a Monkeywrench figure from the two-pack) and myself (the unshaven brown Playmobil dude). You can read it by clicking here.
Here's the usual text-based Q&A page, with clickable links where appropriate! Enjoy, and once again, sorry for the delay.
Question #1 - Monkeywrench asks:
Is it true that Duke is really dead? We all know that nobody really dies in the comics. Any plans on when he makes his glorious return?
1337W422102 answers:
He really got his ass handed to him in File #55 by the S.N.A.K.E. Eater... If anyone can fix him up, it's Doc (with a little help from Lifeline)!
There are no plans to reintroduce the character just yet, but anything's possible.
Question #2 - Monkeywrench asks:
Your portrayal of Captain America is awesome! Can we expect more of him after the A Real American Teamup story?
1337W422102 answers:
That will depend on the outcome of the story arc. Maybe he grows as a character and learns that--
Nah, just messing with you. That guy couldn't learn a thing if you locked him a library for a week. He'd probably accuse the books of being "paper-based terrorists," or something. But yes, he will most likely appear after the story arc as a guest from time to time.
Question #3 - Monkeywrench asks:
Have you ever considered a Special Missions series? I understand and respect the amount of work and effort you put into each strip every week. I was thinking maybe a quarterly series of Special Missions. That would be a 4-file arc that would be something special in the A25Universe. I realize that would be 4 weeks a year with 2 files. What do you think?
1337W422102 answers:
Marvel's G.I. Joe Special Missions comics are still some of the best Joe comics out there. Each book was usually a self-contained story which was more serious than the main book, and often quite dark.
I thought about a Special Missions series, but I figured what I would do was make a "Special Missions" comic when the story needed it, like a "Special Missions: Gotham City" featuring the Batman, or something.
The closest I came to a Special Missions story was the Black Ops arc which was first, if not the only, serious A25U arc. If I were to make a quarterly comic, I feel that it would have to be good enough to warrant such a long wait, and I'd also have to worry about continuity issues with the main A25Universe...
For now, I don't think I'll be making a separate Special Missions comic, but I do like the idea!
Question #4 - Monkeywrench asks:
Seeing Lt. Falcon in file #60 was a pleasant surprise. Can we expect more of him in the future?
1337W422102 answers:
Seeing the Lt. Falcon Comic Pack on the shelf for a great price was a bigger surprise! And yes, we will see more of him in the future. Right now, he's Captain America's second-in-command in the A Real American Teamup story. Surely, things can only go up from there!
Question #5 - Monkeywrench asks:
A Real American Teamup has been very interesting so far. How long will this story run?
1337W422102 answers:
To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure yet. I haven't finished writing all of it! It'll be at least 6 or 7 issues. Maybe more!
Question #6 - G.I.Eddie asks:
Is it possible that we might see Hitler join Cobra? I would love to see him in the series with Cap’n A$hole.
Captain America answers:
Hitler?! Him again? Didn't I kick his Aryan ass hard enough last time we met? Hey, did you see that comic cover where I'm strangling him with my elbow? If that's not freedom, I don't know what is!
1337W422102 answers:
I'll take it from here, Cap. I don't have a Hitler figure and I don't currently have plans to make one, but it probably wouldn't be too hard if I used a German body from the Indiana Jones line or even "movie" Destro, and maybe the head of 25th Original 13 Hawk with resculpted hair.
That's all for now, folks! A big thanks to Monkeywrench and G.I.Eddie for the great questions. If you want to check out the comic adaptation of this Q&A session, click here!

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