HissTank.com member and longtime reader Monkeywrench has once again asked me some great questions about the comic. Get ready for this month's Q & Ages session!
There have been 5 main story arcs so far. Of the 5, which one is your favorite and why?
The 5 main arcs so far are the 'Clutch Can't Get It Updated' story (spans files #1-4), Plastic Gear Solid (files #6-11, and #14-15), Breaker's story (files #15-17), the story featuring Scarlett and her sister Willow from Dreadstar (files #20, 22-24, will conclude in #29), and the Cobra 'Trading Places' story (files #25-28).
I'm not sure if I can pick a favourite. They all have their highs and lows. I like how PGS featured complex sets and had plenty of action, but I don't like how long it was. The Clutch story is funny, but as I was still trying to emphasize that they're toys, the sets were awful, and the photography was pretty bad. I guess my favourite so far would be the Breaker story, as it is short, to-the-point, and (I hope!) funny. But some things annoy me, like the bubble coming out of his nose in File #15. Nobody's perfect!
My personal favorite arc has been the Willow arc (files #20, 22-24). When will this arc be active again? I can’t wait to see the conclusion.
Willow's story didn't finish in File #24, as I'm sure you noticed. The Willow story will continue and concluded in File #29: "Portrait of the Artist as a Sister," which is the next comic, and should be posted this week (unless if I have too much to do and can't get it done in time, but I'll keep you guys posted and do what I can).
I deliberately interrupted the story by starting that Cobra one so that when I continue Willow's story,readers will sense that time has indeed passed. I'm happy you like the arc, and sorry to make you wait for the ending!
So far 4 of the first 5 arcs have featured 1 of the Original 13. Clutch, Snake-Eyes, Breaker, and Scarlett. Will we be eventually getting a featured arc for all of the OG13?
I'll be honest, I hadn't even noticed! But you're right, most of the arcs focus on members of the Original 13. Heck, most of the cast of Ages 25 & Up are the Original 13. I'm a big fan of them, and they're my favourite 'subgroup,' for lack of a better label.
Will they get their own story? Hmm. Maybe, but I'm not sure yet. I like keeping the stories about just a few characters. Issues that feature large casts, such as #22 "Seeing Double" don't feature them all of the characters well, while others like #28 "The new Challengers" hardly use any of them at all. I fear that an O13 issue would end up being long and/or most of them would have a line or two. Unless if I do something like a "'82 Reunion" party, and they can invite the '82 Cobras or something.
Now that you have Short-Fuze, how will he be featured in the comic?
You bet! I'll slip him in sometime.
Can you give us any hints on a possible story arc or comic that may only be in its developmental phase?
For you guys, no problem. There's that serious one about a mission gone wrong, starring Dusty and Beachhead. I'm still developing the story and thinking of how I can shoot it. Will it work? Will it make sense? It is plausible? Will it look good? I want to do this one right, so I'm going to keep planning it to make sure I have a good plan. I don't want to start and mess up and/or be in over my head.
I'm also planning some 'movie'-related comics. Short-Fuze'll be in one.
With Zap finally confirmed for release, what is the possibility of getting a comic file with all OG13 members in it?
When I get Zap, he's going in. We'll see him with is O13 brothers (and sister), that's for sure!
A big thank-you to Monkeywrench for asking these great questions. Hope the answers are to you liking!

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