Thursday, December 31, 2009

COMIC - File #72: "G.I. Joe: Resolutions"

This is it! The last comic of the decade! Hope you all have a fantastic 2010.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

COMIC - File #71: "Merry Cobramas"

It's that time of year again! Time for the second annual Ages 25 & Up Christmas issue! Last year's Christmas issue didn't go so well, so let's hope there's nothing to ruin the Joes' holiday THIS year!

I hope you all have an excellent holiday season and a fantastic New Year. I'll make a New Year's post before the month is over, reminiscing about what Two Thousand & Nine had in store for Joe fans (and for the comic!), as well as mention a few of my plans for 2010. Wow, "twenty-ten." Just saying that makes it sound like the future!

Here's the comic! Stay frosty, gang.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Q & Ages 25 & Up #12: December 2009

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This is a milestone, ladies and gentlemen! This is the 12th Q&A we've had here at the Ages 25 & Up blog. January 10, 2009 marked the first Q&A, so while it hasn't exactly been a whole year, it's close enough! And this is the final Q&A session for the year, too! Once again, a huge thank-you to Monkeywrench and everyone else from the forums who helped with our online discussions!

Here's what Monkeywrench said, and the questions. Enjoy!
It's time for the December Q & A! This being the busy time of year we only have 6 questions this time. This is probably the most personal Q & A to date as none of the questions have anything to do with the current or past storylines. Anyway, here're the questions. Thanks to G.I.Eddie and to Topside for helping.

Question #1 - Monkeywrench asks:
Do you follow or pay attention to any other Joe comics/dios? There is a few others that pop up on the Tank from time to time. I’m wondering if you pay attention to other people’s work? Or do you try to ignore others to keep your ideas fresh?

1337W422102 answers:
It's not that I purposefully ignore other people, it's just that I work on my own comic and... well, I'm an introvert. I used to follow COL Abernathy's Axis Power over on the forums, which is incredible by the way. It makes my dinky little comic look like the dinky little comic it is!

Question #2 - Monkeywrench asks:
Will we be seeing a story involving Ripcord? I think you would write a very interesting story involving the different incarnations of him. I think it would be a classic.

1337W422102 answers:
The only Rip Cord figure I have is his v1 figure, who appeared in File #30 "Rip Off". I had chance to buy his 25th Anniversary version, but I decided instead to buy a 25th Clutch for my best friend. Can you blame me?

I want him to show up again, but I think it will have to wait until I get his 25th version. And I am NOT buying any of the Wayans brothers.

Question #3 - Topside asks:
Have you ever seen Kelly Heroes? Comic gold! I’d love to see you work some of that into a A25U story!

1337W422102 answers:
Kelly's Heroes, the wartime heist comedy? I haven't seen it, but it sounds awesome. I don't think anything that has Clint Eastwood in it needs to be remade, either!

Question #4 - Topside asks:
Don’t know if it’s the same thing in Canada as it here in the States, but why is Star Wars more popular than G.I. Joe? Do they get a larger line because they’re more popular or they are more popular because of a better managed line? Your opinion?

1337W422102 answers:
Well, with stuff like Clone Wars aimed at kids and Star Wars collectors having the chance to buy figures of every single z-grade character who's ever appeared on-screen ever, there's a hell of a lot of Star Wars stuff out there to buy. I think that franchise is popular because, well, it's great. Plus, it's not hard to see why the fantasy worlds of Star Wars seem to have more appeal than stuff like army dudes from something kids've never heard of before, you know? I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but we have a lot of Star Wars stuff up here in Canada, too. But not enough, I tell ya - I can't wait for that Slave Girl Leia figure to kneel to Clutch.

Question #5 - G.I.Eddie asks:
Seriously, how much fun do you have making these strips? It’s like playing with your toys, but grown up style… what’s the most fun part? The setup, story creation, or the dialogue?

1337W422102 answers:
It's a LOT of fun to make the comic, but sometimes it does become a chore. During school weeks, my week would often break down like this: Type up scripts on school computers between classes and e-mail them to myself. Edit the comics at home after/instead of homework. Saturdays would usually be dedicated to the comic, shooting and editing, which would halve my weekend. It's a lot of work, which is why some issues were a measly 4 panels because I just couldn't dedicate more time to the comic and manage to finish my assignments. Take for example Files #65 and #66. They were originally written as a single comic but due to real-life, I had to split it up into two.

But yeah, every week, I get to play with toys, take silly photos, and dick around in Photoshop. I love it. If only women and money were involved!

The most fun part, I find, it talking with you guys, the readers, over at the A25U thread on the forums. Getting your reactions and interacting with you is the best part of making the comic. Knowing that someone had a good laugh to start the weekend makes it all worth it!

Question #6 - G.I.Eddie asks:
Do you have help with your comics? I can imagine how fun it would be to have a couple guys bouncing ideas off each other, posing the figures in positions that aren’t exactly kid friendly, lol.

1337W422102 answers:
Sometimes I talk about the comic with friends and toss around ideas, but the only time I've had someone else around when shooting a comic was for last year's Christmas special. My friend let me shoot a scene in the Christmas village. Other than that, I shoot them all alone at my place. I launch WinAmp, blast some tunes, and shoot that crap. I really don't want other people around as I spend hours moving toys around and photograph them, because I'm sure they'd get bored out of their minds.

There you have it! Hope the I was able to answer your questions! Join us again next month!

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

'This That Season

Well, it's that time of year again. You know, the time to be jolly and whatnot. I don't know what it is about this time of year that brings out the worst in some people, though. You ever run into real dicks while doing your Christmas shopping?

Geez. I was at a bookstore the other day (one of the few places left where you'd expect to find people using their heads), and two morons nearly got into a fight at the escalators. To be honest, I wouldn't have minded if that young guy pushed the racist older dude down those robot stairs.

Hope you guys don't become the dicks that can make Christmas shopping rage-worthy. I also hope you spend your holiday season with loved ones and don't end up like this guy:

Friday, December 18, 2009

COMIC - File #70: "A Real American Teamup," Part 10

At long last, the anti-climactic conclusion to the longest-running Ages 25 & Up story yet! Here is Part 10, the final chapter of A Real American Teamup. Enjoy!

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Arbco Islands Ready for Industrial Revolution

Thanks for helping Cobra expand their settlement in the Cayman Islands! There are now 50 Cobra settlers and it is time for the farmland to begin industrialization!

In order to build factories for the settlers, visit If you'd rather increase the population, visit Increasing Population and Increasing Industry both count as "Actions," and you can only do one Action per day (per computer, anyway).

So choose wisely and help improve the Arbco Islands colony to help Cobra's settlement become the #1 highest-ranking city in the Cayman Islands! COBRAAAAA!!

Visit the Arbco Islands if you wish, but be sure to come back here tomorrow for the final chapter of the A Real American Teamup story, featuring that Star-Spangled Badass, Captain America!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Arbco Islands Update

Cobra is making progress! Here's what a newspaper had to say about their expanding colony in the Cayman Islands:

Monday, 14 December, 2009. Late Edition.

"Cobra Settlement Shedding its Skin," by Clark Parker

Last week, the world discovered leaked military satellite photos which proved that international enterprise Cobra Command (Stock Symbol: FJoe) has invaded the Cayman Islands.

What began as a few cabins developed into farmland. Now, after only a weekend, the settlement known as the "Arbco Islands" has grown into a small town, with paved roads, a hospital-like building, and a residential housing district. Architects have commented that the Arbco Islands' houses look "eerily similar to [those of] Springfield, USA," a town known for its alleged attachment to Cobra.

The Cobra settlement is rumoured to serve as the new base of operations for the Cobra Physician "DrNightmare," who is believed to have made his lair inside the multistory building in the town's centre.

Cobra's intentions are at this point unknown. International forces have yet to react.

Cobra's little town is growing, and is currently the 183rd largest city in the Cayman Islands. Will it reach #1, conquering the Cayman Islands and the hidden riches they possess? If they're going to, Cobra will need YOUR help! Visit the Arbco Islands today! Each time someone goes to, the town's population will increase and the city will develop. When the population gets high enough, more development options will be available, such as improved transportation and new factories. So if you want Cobra's new overseas base to survive, visit it and/or send the link to some friends! Maximum of one visit per person, per day. COBRAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Chanukah!

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Chanukah! I'd post the details of what Clutch's planning tonight, but it's definitely NOT kosher. It probably involves a Shiksa or five... Don't tell his grandmother!

In all seriousness, have a happy holiday season!

COMIC - File #69: "A Real American Teamup," Part 9

Welcome back! Let's resume the A Real American Teamup arc.

In Part 8, we learned that Captain America's shield was missing. But that's not his only problem...

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Visit the Beautiful ARBCO ISLANDS!

Cobra is at it again!

Satellite images suggest that a Cobra raiding party has invaded the Cayman Islands! They have named their settlement "Arbco Islands" and are currently expanding. So far it consists of three houses, but there's no telling how large it will grow!

If the Cobra colony is to survive (and ultimately conquer the Cayman Islands), it will need YOUR help! Pack your bags and visit the beautiful Arbco Islands by clicking here! Keep checking back often to monitor the progress.

Want the Arbco Islands to develop further? Recruit your friends into Cobra by putting this link on your Facebook page:

Will Cobra's settlement become a thriving metropolis or dying shanty town? The fate of the Arbco Islands is in YOUR hands!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 7, 1941

I know this has nothing to do with the comic, but I just wanted to let you know that yesterday was the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor bombings, which led the U.S. to participate in World War II. You don't have to be a history buff to recognize the importance of this event.

Hope you guys have a good week. I'll catch you again later this week with a new comic.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Twenty Years since Polytechnique

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Polytechnique shooting in Montreal. A sexist failure of a man entered a school and, after separating the women from the men in a classroom, gunned down the women in cold blood before ultimately taking his own life.

I know this has absolutely nothing to do with comic. It's a bit of important Montreal history that I thought I would share with you.

Friday, December 4, 2009

COMIC - File #68: "The Emperor's New Jokes"

Time once again for a comic! Hope you have a good weekend. If you find yourself on Montreal on Sunday, head on down to Place Bonaventure for the Montreal Comic Con! See you there.

One more thing: I've added a Cbox to the left-hand sidebar. Scroll down, under the navbuttons and instructions and you will find it. Go ahead and post what you want. If you put in an email address or a website, I can get back to you if you have questions/comments/concerns. Or, I could just post a reply in the box. Either way, post away!

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Happy 100th, Montreal Canadiens!

Just thought I'd throw this out there for you hockey fans. Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Montreal Canadiens.

Now if only they could start playing better like in the good ol' days...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

COMIC - File #67: "A Real American Teamup," Part 8

Well, this sucks. Rough week. Late comic. My apologies. Image hosting site down. Site crippled. Awaiting email from team to find out just what the tit is going on.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Early American Thanksgiving!

I know the big day is tomorrow, but I figured I'd post this early. Tomorrow is U.S. Thanksgiving, and here's a cool bit of trivia: it's exactly 220 years since the first thanksgiving. Good ol' Georgie Washington.

Have a good time, guys. Try not to eat too much and don't trample anyone on the Black Friday, eh?

And to my Canadian friends who missed my Canadian Thanksgiving post, happy belated Canadian Thanksgiving to you!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Q & Ages 25 & Up #11: November 2009

Previous Q&ANext Q&A

It's time for some more questions! Let's see how many I can answer in an honest, meaningful way.

Question #1 - Monkeywrench asks:
When will the Original 13 all appear together in the same comic? I’m a OG13 geek and would personally love to see this happen.

1337W422102 answers:
I'm a massive O13 geek. I wrote a guide on a friend's website about how to assemble your O13 and make them '82 accurate. Granted, I took some liberties with mine, doing what I felt suits the character rather than straight-up being accurate. For example, I gave Steeler a pump-action shotgun, the one that came with Muskrat back in the day, as I felt that the tank driver should have a gun that's sorta like a tank. Slow, but powerful and intimidating. The original Steeler came with an Uzi. I spent 3 years tracking down the O13 members. I started back with the Valor Vs Venom Classic Comic 3-packs. Naturally, I couldn't get them all as they didn't make them all, but I finally managed to get all of the 25th O13, thanks in no small part to my friends Joebern28, Homer, and The David Harris! If I were struck by a car again tomorrow, I'd at least feel like I've accomplished something.

Crap, I'm off-topic. I have an idea about featuring them all in a comic together. I generally don't like the comics to have huge casts as I can't deal with all the characters well enough, but I DO want to make a comic with the O13. Not sure yet just when, but it's on my to-do list!

Question #2 - Monkeywrench asks:
Will there be a Christmas special this year?

1337W422102 answers:
Of course not! Humbug!

Just kidding. Yup, I will make a "Holiday Special" again this year. Let's give ol' Snow Job some screen time!

Question #3 - Monkeywrench asks:
Seeing the 10th Q & A in comic form was a nice treat. How long had you been planning that special issue?

1337W422102 answers:
Since I realized that the Q&A was reaching the double-digits, I thought we should celebrate! I was originally going to have that comic come out in the same week as a regular comic (because I REALLY wanted to have the answers out in November), but it was just too much work...

Question # 4 - thatjimboguy asks:
I’m a huge BattleTech fan as well as a G.I. Joe fan. Are there any more plans to include more BT references in future stories?

1337W422102 answers:
Another fan of the Shattered Sphere? Verily, you have good taste, Trueborn! Kerensky would most certainly approve!

In honour of BattleTech's 25th anniversary, I made the S.N.A.K.E. Eater story arc, which is filled with BTech references, particularly in the character of the S.N.A.K.E. Eater himself, "one of Cobra's most honourable Trueborn warriors," as described by Destro in Part 2 of the arc.

Is there more BattleTech content in scanning range? Let me put it this way, wetnose - Kerensky will return!

Question #5 - TU482 asks:
Any plans to start a moustached group to battle or team up with the Beard Force? Think about it: Bazooka, Recondo, Cutter, Wild Bill, Gung Ho, Roadblock, Stalker and Zap. I noticed this in the '80s and thought it was awesome. Keep up the good work. I look forward to new strips!

1337W422102 answers:
Thanks, TU482! I remember you mentioned the Moustache Marauders a while back and I haven't forgotten about them. Beard Force isn't the ONLY appearance-based Joe subgroup that will show up in the A25Universe. I'm just waiting for the right time and reason to introduce them. And they'd need a good Cobra opponent, too. I'd suggest "Faceless Force," but that would count for at least 95% of Cobra!

Question # 6 - Topside asks:
Would you consider taking the current story international and include Union Jack or Captain Britain? Oktober Guard? Big Ben?

1337W422102 answers:
The only "international" figure I have so far is Union Jack. I don't even have a Guardian from Alpha Flight yet as he hasn't been released in my area yet! Things will remain local, for now anyway. But when I get Guardian, I'll introduce him. He and Union Jack and Captain America are all roommates, living in a building on Embassy Street.

Question #7 - Topside asks:
I know people keep asking about this (because it was so good): when are you going do another serious story? I think you’ve shown that you are more than capable at writing darker stuff.

1337W422102 answers:
I find the funny and/or silly stuff to be easier to write, and frankly a lot more fun to. Serious stuff tends to feel like bad fan fiction when I write it, and I don't want to make you guys read crap you're not going to like. A light-hearted Joe-related strip to start the weekend is what I like to provide.

That being said, I did have a great time with the Black Ops story as it was just so different from what I'm used to. I wrote many scripts during my time as a film student, and I'm thinking of adapting one into a comic. Changing the characters and situation to something Cobra-esque is proving to be a little tricky, though. One of the main characters might have to become Rezzy-T, the street-talkin' Resolute Trooper, but I fear that will greatly detract from the seriousness of the story. Then again, that particular character was the funny one...

I'm thinking about it, and trying to w0rk on it. This particular story would only last for a single issue, but it'd be very different than the other comics I've made so far!

Question #8 - Topside asks:
Do you have a sculpt preference? O-ring, Valor vs Venom, or Modern?

1337W422102 answers:
I'm probably going to take a lot of flak for this, but I really don't like the idea of the O-Ring designs. The articulation and range of motion was fantastic for the time; hell, even today there are figures that aren't that articulated. I mean, a lot of the modern Joes can't bend their arms 90 degrees! And don't get me started on those Mattel and Playmates figures that still use T-crotches!

The figures were held together quite strongly, with 3 screws and... a rubber band? The most important structural element of the figure is a thin piece of malleable rubber? What a terrible idea. Sure, it was fun to spin 'em around have them deliver Hurricane Kicks (Street Fighter FTW), but we all know the bands were prone to breakage, and as a kid, when a band broke, bye-bye figure. Plus, it's not like that joint served any articulation purpose: the O-Ring would return the figure's torso to the default position.

I really enjoy the detail and articulation of the contemporary figures. Elements like ankle and wrist joints are the stuff I've been dreaming of for years. But, I DO miss the backpack screw as cracking the newschool Joes' bodies is NOT a walk in a park, even with fancy methods, boiling water, and wrapped-up socks. I also don't like how the arms can't bend 90 degrees on most figures. I often find myself shaving off little bits of plastic from the lower bicep to improve the elbow joint.

Question #9 - G.I.Eddie asks:
It was nice to see the MOBAT make an appearance… any chance that it will show up again? Or better yet (me being a fan of true 1:18 scale vehicles), could we possibly see some accurate military might for the Joes to ride in style?

1337w422102 answers:
We shall see the Joes' MOBAT tank (and its driver, Steeler) again. I don't have any accurate military vehicles other than a Little Bird I got for Wild Bill and the Black Hawk from the Black Ops story.

Question # 10 - G.I.Eddie asks:
Are there any strips that you can share with us that hit the cutting room floor for whatever reason? Be it not what you were hoping for, too risky, too brutal etc etc.

1337W422102 answers:
Oh yeah. I don't like scrapping stories, but sometime I just have to. I was going to write one about the "Rescue Doc" mail-in promotion, with Clutch getting pissed off at the Cobra Commander's ransom demands. "So we're supposed to hire six pairs of new recruits to get Doc back? Why don't we just hire a new medic for that much?!" A not-so-subtle (nor funny) jab at the costs involved (proof-of-purchases from 6 Comic Packs). But the promotion ended, and I already used Doc in the Clutch Can't Get it Updated story, so I scrapped that.

Another one I was planning was "Ask a Cobra Viper," in which Vipers answer fan mail. Basically, it was to be my response to people bitching about the Viper arms. Take figures like Hauser or Gung Ho, who couldn't even hold their guns, much less bend their damn arms. Then, there's the Viper, whose arms were shaped specifically for him to hold his weapon in a natural-looking aiming stance. And people STILL bitched. The comic was going to have a Viper lose his patience (an analogue for me being angry), followed by some diagrams about how to get your Viper to hold his gun properly, the one thing a Viper would be expected to do. Rotate the right forearm one ratchet notch closer to his body than the default pose, then with a bit of adjusting, he could hold the rifle properly, either cradling the body with his left hand, or using the grenade mag as a grip. Then, there'd be photos of Vipers doing other stuff, like playing guitar, riding a bike, etc. I never got around to doing it, so I just dropped it.
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I was also thinking of making a comic version of my reaction to rickroll that was Resolute, with Hauser being put on trial for disobeying Hawk's orders ("You were just supposed to bring the Flagg to New York for Veteran's Day!"), for sexual harassing Scarlett, for destroying "a nice little town" with some kind of laser weapon, and for general un-Joe-like conduct ("We kill the Cobra Commader." - wait, WHAT?) I decided against it, though.

Other ideas, I shelved rather than canceled. Some require more figures or vehicles I don't have yet, others require me to build sets for put the characters in, others just need more time to think about and flesh out better. One of the stories that got shelved but ended up seeing the light of day was the short story that appeared at the beginning of File # 50, the Ages 25 & Up Yearbook.

Hope the answers were good enough! A big thank-you to Monkeywrench, thatjimboguy, TU482, Topside, and G.I.Eddie for asking me some questions! See you this weekend for more mayhem with Captain America!

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Friday, November 20, 2009

COMIC - File #66: "A Real American Teamup," Part 7

Hey gang. My usual image-hosting website seems to be undergoing maintenance, so for the moment, I had to upload this week's comic somewhere else. Sorry about that! I hope this does not cause any problems. If there any issues, please let me know. [Pun not intended.]

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009 November Newsletter

To all you hosers out there, the latest issue of the Newsletter is now available. It features my review of the Dragonhawk, too!

You can check out the .PDF of the Newsletter by clicking here.

If you're a Canadian Joe collector and/or fan, head on down to for Canadian Joe discussion, sightings, Newsletters, conventions, and more! Beauty, eh?

Friday, November 13, 2009

COMIC - File #65: "A Real American Teamup," Part 6

Captain America's team of Joes makes progress as they attack a Cobra tank depot.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

REVIEW - Dragonhawk XH1

Unfortunately, Wild Bill's 25th anniversary figure was a pegwarmer. Seeing as how there were no Joe aircraft for him to fly, this was understandable. I bought some True Heroes helicopters for him to fly, but it just wasn't the same. Thanks to the new Dragonhawk XH1 helicopter from the RoC line, ol' Bill doesn't have to grounded any longer.

The Dragonhawk is a remake/updating of the classic Dragonfly XH-1 assault chopper from 1983, beefing it up from a humble Fly to a predatory Hawk. It is definitely more angular and futuristic than the sleek, curvy Dragonfly of old. I feel like if you were to give it legs and arms, it'd make a good BattleMech. The futuristic AH-64 Apache look suits the movie line, but I still feel the chopper looks better suited to the Halo universe or a Ghost In The Shell episode.

Sorta like a futuristic AH-64 Apache.
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The Dragonhawk is almost as wide as its box is tall, and longer than the box itself. Some assembly required; no tools needed. Once you apply the stickers [as the copter looks really naked without them], just snap on the tail [with rotating rotor, but static wheel], attach the 2 ailerons, and slide in the 4 main rotors and the 'Hawk is ready for dustoff. It can be easily taken apart to put back in the box, too.

Comes with everything you see here!
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Unlike the Dragonfly, which had landing struts, the Dragonhawk has wheels as landing gear. The front two rotate, but the rear one does not. The chopper has a large wheelbase and needs two '83 Headquarters landing pads if you want to land it nicely!

Cleared for takeoff.
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Visually, the 'Hawk has a lot going on. Plenty of sculpted details such as bolts, rivets, panel lines, vents, and the like. The stickers break up the monotonous green as well as add retro elements [who doesn't remember those "Not a Step" warning labels?]. The interior has details such as mesh on the floor, an instrument panel, and two horizontal joysticks for Wild Bill to use.

Detailed leather interior.
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In terms of accuracy to the original, I would say the Dragonhawk has a lot of similar elements, such as the chin-mounted gatling cannon, the 4 AG-202 missiles, and the removable engine covers. However, I find the '83 Dragonfly to be more versatile than the modern Dragonhawk. The 'Fly had more weaponry: an M-34 grenade launcher/2mm Vulcan gatling cannon nose turret, a pair of Sidewinder HE missiles, 4 Sidewinder air-to-surface missiles, and a 160mm cannon attachment. The 'Hawk has a gatling gun and 4 missiles. The Dragonfly had a winch and hook, a button for spinning the rotors, and could hold Doc's stretcher. The 'Hawk just has a handle underneath. But perhaps most disappointingly, the 'Fly could hold two figures, but the newfangled Dragonhawk can hold but a single one. If Doc need to be airlifted in via Dragonhawk, he'd need to grab onto that handle and hold on tight!

That being said, the Dragonhawk has a few fun features.

The cockpit holds a figure.

Room for one more, ladies.
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The engine covers are removable, a throwback to the original Dragonfly, which had a similar feature.

"Hmm, forgot to install them intakes' sand filters again!"
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The main gimmicks are the hidden side missile pods which slide out when the winged section at the front of the tail is pulled. The missile pods sit flush against the the sides of the body and aren't suspicious-looking at all, but tug on the deploy mechanism and they shoot open, making the 'Hawk look bulkier and more menacing. The firing buttons are hidden on the back of the missile pods, and the springs are surprisingly strong.

Come get some.
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Click to see full size
Other than that, the front wheels roll, the rotors spin manually, and the chin gun can rotate a bit.

The Dragonhawk comes with a new version of Wild Bill. This time, his colours are darker, he has no holsters, no weapons, and no stand. But, he has a snazzy new flight vest [which could really use some paint], and a new helicopter to boot. I think he also has some new lower legs and feet, too, but I'm not 100% sure. His filecard tries to tie him into the movie's story and mentions a weapon the figure doesn't come with. Plus, his mugshot sort of resembles Deputy Travis Junior from Reno 911! It's a tight fit, but the figure sits inside the cockpit with both hands on the joysticks, ready to rain down hell upon some Cobra grunts.

Built Joe tough.
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The Dragonhawk isn't that big of a chopper, and I was skeptical when buying it. It feels overpriced, but it does offer a lot of fun. I like the futuristic look, but the 'Hawk seriously looks out-of-proportion with 3.75" figures. The cockpit feels like it should hold 2 StarCom or M.A.S.K. figures instead of a single G.I. Joe. [It sort of looks like they took a Sigma 6 chopper, changed the cockpit piece, and boxed it up for the RoC line.] If it could hold 2 figures, was a bit larger, and had more weapons, I'd like it a lot more. At is stands, it is hard to recommend, especially for full price. It's a great addition to your Joe air fleet - if you can get it on sale and don't mind the size.

What was that about the Halo universe?
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See you next mission!
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G.I Joe: The Rise of Cobra Dragonhawk XH1

  • Wild Bill [w/vest & hat]
  • 4 rotors
  • 1 rear tail assembly
  • 4 missiles
  • 2 stabilizer fins
  • stickers & instructions
  • aesthetically pleasing futuristic design
  • gimmicks do not get in way of playability
  • gimmicks cleverly concealed
  • missile launchers surprisingly powerful
  • new version of a classic G.I. Joe vehicle
  • good Wild Bill figure
  • expensive, even when on sale
  • can only fit a single figure inside
  • minimal paint apps
  • few weapons
  • out-of-proportion with figures
  • rear wheel not functional
4 ON 5

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