Sunday, December 29, 2013

COMIC - File #229: "I Was In The Club, And I Was In The Club"

Thanks to everyone who voted for my custom DOOM Space Marine over at The Fighting 1:18th's Custom Games.  He made it to Round 3, which is at least three more than I was expecting.  He wouldn't have gotten that far without you, so thanks!

And here is the last comic of 2013.  Next week, I'll put up one of my annual newsletters.  And a new comic.

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Monday, December 23, 2013

COMIC - File #228: "Atlantic Core"

Good evening!  Apologies for being late this week.  You know how busy this time of year can be.

Before we get to the comic, I just wanted to remind/ask you for your assistance.  If you feel like it, please consider voting for my Doomguy in The Fighting 1:18th's Custom Games.

Also, Merry Christmas.  This isn't a Christmas special, so the next issue will be something more seasonal.  See you then!

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Custom Games Tournament: Round Three!

Hey, guys.  The heat is on!  The Fighting 1:18th's Custom Games contest is in full swing, and every week, custom figures clash in a head-to-head vote-off.  Winners move on.

Thanks to your help, my custom DOOM space marine (who appeared in this year's Halloween issue) has made it to Round Three of the Custom Games, but things aren't looking good for him...  If you feel like helping out, you can visit the DOOM Space Marine's voting thread at The Fighting 1:18th and vote on the poll at the top of the page.  You'll need to make an account if you don't have one, but it takes roughly 30 seconds (and if you're interested in Joes, you'll find a great community there).

Just to make it clear, I don't expect you do to drop everything and do this.  If you feel like voting, I'd appreciate it.  That's all I mean.  Thanks a lot!


Sunday, December 15, 2013

COMIC - File #227: "The White Knight Returns"

Superheroes clash again in this week's issue.  Tune in next week for the long-overdue conclusion to this story!

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

COMIC - File #226: "The Rock And A Hard Place"

As predicted, Cobra forces as well as members of the G.I. Joe/Autobot alliance have located and broken into Destro and Bludgeon's formerly-secret base...

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

COMIC - File #225: "Tengen Toppa Arcee Helix"

This issue celebrates the fifth anniversary of a franchise that's on my back, and in my heart--

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